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Xming オプション




オプション Version 6.9.x

下記は、Version 6.9.x時のデータを元に作成。
(Version 7.xでは正常に動作しない場合あり。)

hoge.xlaunch (PseudoColor、日本語キーボードにて、Xmingを起動)
日本語106キーボード設定 : -xkbmodel jp106 -xkblayout jp -xkbvariant jp106 
Pseudo Color(256色)設定 : -depth 8 [※1]
マウス3ボタンエミュレーション : -emulate3buttons
外部クライアントからのアクセス許可 : -ac
Alt+Tabが使える!?(長押しNG) : -keyhook
カラーパレットの設定(〜) : -co rgb.txt
バッキングストアー(BackingStore) : +bs

※1 :XP以降のOSでは、互換性項目が追加されており
   「Xming.exe」に上記を設定することで、「-depth 8」無しで256色モードが可能。
Pseudo Color対応のX-Server設定例
※「Fullscreen」設定 (ディスプレイが、2画面以上の環境は不便かな。)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<XLaunch xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" XLaunch.xsd"
ExtraParams="-xkbmodel jp106 -xkblayout jp -xkbvariant jp106 -depth 8 -ac -keyhook +bs -co rgb.txt"/>
※「Fullscreen」から「One window whithout titlebar」に変更
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<XLaunch xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" XLaunch.xsd"
ExtraParams="-xkbmodel jp106 -xkblayout jp -keyhook +bs -co c:\rgb.txt"/>

オプション Version 6.9.x

Xming [:<display-number>] [option]
-a #                   マウス加速設定(pixels)
-ac                    アクセス・コントロール制限を不能にします。
-audit int             セット相互参照監査証跡レベル
-auth file             認可ファイルを選択します。
-br                    ルートウインドを背景を黒にします
+bs                    バッキング・ストアを可能にします。
-bs                    バッキング・ストアを不可にします。
-c                     重要なクリックを切ります。
c #                    重要なクリックのボリューム (0-100)
-cc int                デフォルト色視覚的なクラス
-co file               色データベース・ファイル
-core                  決定的エラー上のコア・ダンプを生成します。
-dpi int               ドット/インチでスクリーン解決
-deferglyphs [none|all|16] defer loading of [no|all|16-bit] glyphs
-f #                   bell base (0-100)
-fc string             カーソル・フォント
-fn string             デフォルト・フォント名称
-fp string             デフォルト・フォントパス
-help                  prints message with these options
-I                     ignore all remaining arguments
-logo                  スクリンセーバーON
nologo                 スクリンセーバーOFF
-nolisten string       don't listen on protocol
-noreset               don't reset after last client exists
-reset                 reset after last client exists
-p #                   screen-saver pattern duration (minutes)
-pn                    accept failure to listen on all ports
-nopn                  reject failure to listen on all ports
-r                     turns off auto-repeat
r                      turns on auto-repeat 
-render [default|mono|gray|color] set render color alloc policy
-s #                   screen-saver timeout (minutes)
-sp file               security policy file
-su                    disable any save under support
-t #                   mouse threshold (pixels)
-terminate             terminate at server reset
-to #                  connection time out
-tst                   disable testing extensions
ttyxx                  server started from init on /dev/ttyxx
v                      video blanking for screen-saver
-v                     screen-saver without video blanking
-wm                    WhenMapped default backing-store
-wr                    create root window with white background
-x string              loads named extension at init time 
-maxbigreqsize         set maximal bigrequest size 
+extension name        Enable extension
-extension name        Disable extension
-query host-name       contact named host for XDMCP
-broadcast             broadcast for XDMCP
-indirect host-name    contact named host for indirect XDMCP
-port port-num         UDP port number to send messages to
-from local-address    specify the local address to connect from
-once                  Terminate server after one session
-class display-class   specify display class to send in manage
-cookie xdm-auth-bits  specify the magic cookie for XDMCP
-displayID display-id  manufacturer display ID for request
-kb                    Xキーボード拡張を不能にします。
+kb                    Xキーボード拡張を可能にします。
[+-]accessx [ timeout [ timeout_mask [ feedback [ options_mask] ] ] ]
                       enable/disable accessx key sequences
-ardelay               set XKB autorepeat delay
-arinterval            set XKB autorepeat interval

-clipboard             XmingクリップボードとWindowsのクリップボードの間を統合。
-clipupdates num_boxes Use a clipping region to constrain shadow update blits to
                       the updated region when num_boxes, or more, are in the
                       updated region.  Diminished effect on current Windows
                       versions because they already group GDI operations together
                       in a batch, which has a similar effect.
-depth bits_per_pixel  Specify an optional bitdepth to use in fullscreen mode with a DirectDraw engine.
-emulate3buttons [timeout]
                       Emulate a 3 button mouse with an optional timeout in milliseconds.
                       The default timeout is 50 milliseconds.
-engine engine_type_id
                       Override the server's automatically selected engine type:
                       1 - Shadow GDI
                       2 - Shadow DirectDraw
                       4 - Shadow DirectDraw4 Non-Locking
                       Do not use this parameter unless instructed to do so.
-fullscreen            フルスクリーンモード (-depth, -refreshも設定)
-ignoreinput           Ignore keyboard and mouse input.  This is usually only used for testing and debugging purposes.
-internalwm            EXPERIMENTAL: Run the internal window manager.
-[no]keyhook           Grab special windows key combinations like Alt-Tab or the Menu key.
                       These keys are discarded by default.
-lesspointer           Hide the windows mouse pointer when it is over an inactive Xming window.
                       This prevents ghost cursors appearing where the Windows cursor is drawn over the X cursor.
-logfile filename      Write logmessages to <filename> instead of Xming.n.log,
                       where n is the display-number of the X Server.
-logverbose verbosity  Set the verbosity of logmessages. [NOTE: Only a few messages respect the settings, so not much use yet]
                        0 - only print fatal error.
                        1 - print additional configuration information.
                        2 - print additional runtime information [default].
                        3 - print debugging and tracing information.
-[no]multimonitors (or -[no]multiplemonitors)
                        Use the entire virtual screen if multiple monitors are present.
-multiwindow            マルチ・ウインド (併用不可:-rootless, -fullscreen)
-mwextwm                EXPERIMENTAL: Run the server in multiwindow external
 window manager mode. Use with xwinwm.
-nodecoration           Do not draw a window border, title bar, etc.
                        Windowed mode only i.e. ignored when -fullscreen specified.
-nounicodeclipboard     Disable Unicode in the clipboard.
-refresh rate_in_Hz     Specify an optional refresh rate to use in fullscreen mode with a DirectDraw engine.
-rootless               Use a transparent root window with an external window
                        manager (such as openbox).  Not to be used with -multiwindow or with -fullscreen.
-screen scr_num [width height [x y] | [[WxH[+X+Y]][@m]] ]
                        Enable screen scr_num and optionally specify a width and
                        height and initial position for that screen.
                        Additionally a monitor number can be specified to start the server on, at which point,
                        all coordinates become relative to that monitor.
                          -screen 0 800x600+100+100@2 ;ディスプレイ2, X=100, Y=100 ウインド・サイズ:800x600
                          -screen 0 1024x768@3        ;ディスプレイ3 ウインド・サイズ:1024x768
                          -screen 0 @1                ;ディスプレイ1 (デフォルト)
-scrollbars            In windowed mode, allow screens bigger than the Windows desktop.
                       Moreover, if the window has decorations, one can now resize it.
                       Do not use in conjunction with -multiwindow or with -rootless.
-silent-dup-error      If another instance of Xming is found running, exit silently and don't display the error message.
-swcursor              Disable the usage of the windows cursor and use the X11 software cursor instead.
-[no]trayicon          Do not create a tray icon.  Default is to create one icon per screen.
                       You can globally disable tray icons with
                       -notrayicon, then enable it for specific screens with
                       -trayicon for those screens.
-[no]unixkill          [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Backspace]キーでX-Serverを終了(or抑止)するか設定。(デフォルト:無効)
-version               Write version and help text to the log file and a popup notepad window.
-[no]winkill           [Alt]-[F4]キーでX-Serverを終了(or抑止)するか設定。(デフォルト:有効)
-xkblayout XKBLayout   Set the layout to use for XKB.  This defaults to a layout
                       matching your current layout from windows or us (i.e. USA)
                       if no matching layout was found.
                       For example: -xkblayout de
-xkbmodel XKBModel     Set the model to use for XKB.  This defaults to pc105.
-xkboptions XKBOptions Set the options to use for XKB.  This defaults to not set.
-xkbrules XKBRules     Set the rules to use for XKB.  This defaults to xorg.
-xkbvariant XKBVariant Set the variant to use for XKB.  This defaults to not set.
                       For example: -xkbvariant nodeadkeys

※「Xming.exe /?」より引用

オプション Version 7.3.0

「-co file」が消えました。

オプション Version


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Last-modified: 2009-01-28 (水) 10:01:04